1.   But countries can ratify with legal reservations, and the treaty language has many loopholes.

2.   But others noted that, between them, the three dozen industrialized countries that supported the treaty language accounted for far more emissions than the United States.

3.   Critics have said the original treaty language would have discouraged production of encryption technology and other items that could have multiple uses.

4.   Critics have said the original treaty language would discourage production of encryption technology and other items that could have multiple uses.

5.   Others noted that, among them, the three dozen industrialized countries that supported the treaty language accounted for far more emissions than the United States.

6.   The original treaty language drew a storm of protest from U.S. telecommunications companies.

7.   The other would be a wrenching failure, should the treaty lack clear language calling for strategies that cut emissions without creating other ecological trouble.

8.   There is nothing in the treaty language that would forbid the conference from modifying the timetable for the common currency if there is a consensus to change it.

9.   There is a World Court, also located in The Hague, but it handles civil cases, such as interpretation of treaty language.

10.   They agreed on treaty language that made it clear the new statute does not supersede national laws prohibiting abortion, he said.

n. + language >>共 263
computer 12.54%
compromise 4.79%
minority 4.65%
contract 4.08%
markup 3.10%
ballot 2.68%
platform 2.25%
abortion 1.97%
treaty 1.41%
software 1.41%
treaty + n. >>共 209
obligation 7.87%
talk 5.69%
negotiation 4.96%
provision 3.64%
text 3.35%
supporter 2.62%
violation 2.48%
commitment 2.04%
right 1.90%
process 1.90%
language 1.46%
每页显示:    共 10