1.   Already, other native groups across Canada have interrupted treaty negotiations to consider how the ruling affects them.

2.   And Clark made himself a pariah by taking a confrontational stance on U.S.-Canada salmon treaty negotiations.

3.   China, Russia and India have steered clear of treaty negotiations and would not consider themselves bound by any pact.

4.   De Valera comes across as treacherous, setting Collins up to take the blame for the unsatisfactory treaty negotiations.

5.   During treaty negotiations, Third World nations demanded a share of earnings from space enterprises.

6.   Gaynor, of Weyerhaeuser, says the province must revitalize its stalled treaty negotiations.

7.   Some important military powers, like Russia and China, are not taking part in these draft treaty negotiations.

8.   The delay occurred at a delicate time in treaty negotiations, when countries such as India and Pakistan publicly attacked nuclear-armed nations for maintaining atomic arsenals.

9.   The pair skipped over tedious treaty negotiations to take nuclear arsenals off hair trigger alert and slash nuclear arsenals deeper than negotiated cuts.

10.   Treaty negotiation demands the tact of a diplomat, the toughness of a trial lawyer and the savvy of a business executive, he said.

n. + negotiation >>共 385
peace 38.18%
contract 8.66%
budget 6.73%
trade 5.08%
labor 3.35%
settlement 1.77%
autonomy 1.42%
membership 1.34%
wage 1.30%
status 1.28%
treaty 0.66%
treaty + n. >>共 209
obligation 7.87%
talk 5.69%
negotiation 4.96%
provision 3.64%
text 3.35%
supporter 2.62%
violation 2.48%
commitment 2.04%
right 1.90%
process 1.90%
每页显示:    共 34