1.   Customers used a touch screen to obtain information on mortgages, pensions and investments.

2.   To maximise the friendliness of the systems, bespoke kiosks are usually designed offering large screen colour displays and touch screen or highly simplified keypad interfaces.

3.   The use of concept keyboard touch screens, or use of a mouse rather than the computer keyboard, has opened up many exciting possibilities.

4.   An interactive computer program uses touch screens to help visitors learn more about sea horse behavior and conservation.

5.   An intuitive, laptop-size touch screen takes the place of sheet music.

6.   As the market heats up, each company is taking a slightly different approach, adding features like voice recognition, specialized interfaces and touch screens.

7.   A big color touch screen could fill the front.

8.   All can be controlled by a touch screen on the conference table.

9.   Computer touch screens have not been approved for use in Florida, but several vendors have applied for certification since the November election.

10.   Customers can place calls either through the keypad or through the touch screen using a stylus.

n. + screen >>共 382
computer 29.73%
television 17.91%
radar 11.70%
movie 4.34%
display 2.98%
color 1.90%
touch 1.84%
window 1.27%
split 1.17%
flat-panel 0.86%
touch + n. >>共 88
screen 23.39%
judge 9.27%
pass 7.66%
pad 5.24%
sensor 4.44%
line 3.23%
volley 2.42%
system 2.02%
kick 1.61%
foul 1.61%
每页显示:    共 58