1.   Press the start button on the touch pad.

2.   Also unusual is the touch pad, which can be written on with a stylus to sign letters or scribble in simple drawings or notes.

3.   A swimmer uses her own muscle power to propel herself to the touch pad in a sprint.

4.   If used properly, the touch pad is less likely to cause repetitive stress injuries because touch-pad users do not have to grip or press anything.

5.   In theory, said Elias, the touch pad could be as thin as a sheet of paper and cover an entire tabletop.

6.   Most laptop manufacturers, with the exception of IBM and Toshiba, which employ a joystick, have adopted touch pads.

7.   That was particularly true of early touch pads.

8.   The finger can affect electric fields in the touch pad even when it is merely near the surface.

9.   The Sendo phone will offer a touch pad and a thumb dial, instead of a stylus, for navigating and entering information.

10.   Touch pads range from the size of a pack of matches to that of a small wallet.

n. + pad >>共 186
shoulder 19.04%
mouse 7.59%
note 6.63%
helicopter 3.73%
sketch 3.61%
knee 3.37%
bachelor 2.53%
elbow 2.53%
prescription 2.05%
foam 1.93%
touch 1.57%
touch + n. >>共 88
screen 23.39%
judge 9.27%
pass 7.66%
pad 5.24%
sensor 4.44%
line 3.23%
volley 2.42%
system 2.02%
kick 1.61%
foul 1.61%
每页显示:    共 13