1.   Endless bowls of hot tortilla chips are accompanied by a fresh salsa spiked with just the right amount of cilantro.

2.   Garnish the guacamole with chilli powder or coriander sprigs, then serve in the centre of a plate of tortilla chips.

3.   Guiltless Gourmet Baked Not Fried tortilla chips.

4.   Jim found a seat, and soon the party had settled down to tortilla chips, salsa, menus and conversation.

5.   Serve with baked tortilla chips, baked chicken or fish.

6.   Set the dish on a large platter and surround with cucumber, tortilla chips and chicory leaves.

7.   Top with a small mound of tortilla chips and serve at once.

8.   Tortilla chips are they?

9.   Yeah, it had tortilla chips with it.

10.   Also, olestra has been approved for use only in snack chips and crackers, such as potato chips, tortilla chips, cheese puffs and club crackers.

n. + chip >>共 266
memory 29.40%
tortilla 8.43%
bone 7.64%
silicon 6.35%
semiconductor 4.50%
computer 2.70%
paint 2.59%
processor 2.14%
logic 2.02%
access 1.63%
tortilla + n. >>共 65
chip 51.19%
soup 6.83%
strip 5.12%
maker 3.07%
market 2.05%
factory 2.05%
price 2.05%
press 1.37%
subsidy 1.37%
crisp 1.02%
每页显示:    共 149