1.   Designed by Fair, Isaac, the San Rafael financial software company, they are the most important tool lenders use when deciding whether to offer a customer credit.

2.   Even if the apes survive, she fears that the disturbance could endanger their unique social behavior and tool use.

3.   That shows that very soon after the earliest evidence of tool use in Africa, humans had spread from their original home to colonize Asia.

4.   The grasping hand of primates has allowed for tool use, while particular anatomical features have enabled cetaceans to develop underwater vocalization skills for communication and taking down prey.

5.   Try tool use, language skills, problem solving and social strategizing.

6.   Workers are required to keep a log of their hand tool use, leaving a record that safety personnel will audit.

7.   An antelope jaw and other animal bones found near the garhi skeleton show cut marks from tools, perhaps the earliest evidence of human tool use in butchering animals.

8.   Bonnichsen said the research by Panger, Mercader and their co-author, Christophe Boesch of Max Planck Institute in Germany gives important new insights into tool use by primates.

n. + use >>共 866
drug 33.39%
land 3.30%
marijuana 2.68%
computer 2.41%
energy 2.37%
tobacco 2.34%
cocaine 2.32%
water 1.99%
condom 1.87%
alcohol 1.74%
tool 0.17%
tool + n. >>共 132
kit 12.05%
box 10.41%
belt 5.48%
maker 4.93%
bar 3.56%
company 3.01%
manufacturer 2.74%
use 2.19%
shed 2.19%
set 1.92%
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