1.   And how two-faced is it to go down to North Carolina and give subsidies to tobacco growers?

2.   -- Whether financial assistance would be provided to tobacco growers whose business might be hurt by a decline in cigarette sales.

3.   A. C. Turnage Jr., whose ancestors were tobacco growers, now leases six acres to a neighbor who grows it.

4.   Canny politics, incessant marketing and good timing contributed to the upturn for tobacco and tobacco growers.

5.   Cigarette companies are not all that popular on Capitol Hill but tobacco growers can still find powerful allies.

6.   Congress supported the tobacco growers even while momentum is building in Washington for a massive new antismoking campaign.

7.   Clinton rebuffed industry assertions that the legislation could bankrupt or severely harm every sector of cigarette commerce, from tobacco growers to major manufacturers to thousands of retailers.

8.   Democratic lawmakers in the South worry about losing votes from tobacco supporters, along with jobs for tobacco growers and cigarette manufacturers.

9.   Footage in which Gore proudly allies himself with tobacco growers is eventually juxtaposed against his attack on Big Tobacco.

10.   Founding fathers George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were Virginia tobacco growers.

n. + grower >>共 119
sugar 8.88%
tobacco 8.22%
coca 7.40%
apple 5.10%
banana 4.77%
fruit 4.61%
tomato 4.11%
marijuana 3.29%
potato 2.96%
wheat 2.80%
tobacco + n. >>共 528
company 24.55%
industry 15.46%
product 3.47%
stock 2.77%
advertising 2.57%
settlement 2.34%
legislation 1.78%
farmer 1.67%
tax 1.53%
executive 1.47%
grower 0.59%
每页显示:    共 50