1.   By its gruesome, depraved ending I left the theater feeling physically ill.

2.   It may be effective, but you leave the theater feeling used.

3.   Its timidity, flinching from a great subject, results in an ending determined to make audiences leave the theater feeling uplifted.

4.   Whether you will leave the theater feeling that trust has been entirely warranted is another matter.

5.   You leave the theater feeling better about everything.

n. + feeling >>共 182
gut 22.93%
way 4.42%
guilt 3.59%
time 3.04%
day 1.93%
theater 1.38%
night 1.10%
trouble 1.10%
anti-taliban 1.10%
morning 1.10%
theater + n. >>共 485
owner 6.91%
company 5.80%
chain 3.84%
director 3.25%
group 3.03%
district 2.88%
critic 2.66%
system 2.55%
ticket 2.03%
production 2.00%
feeling 0.18%
每页显示:    共 5