1.   I was still drinking and I woke up every morning feeling so sick, I literally felt I was pinned to the bed by centrifugal force.

2.   I would drive over the bridge to school every morning feeling so lucky to be a teacher and getting paid for something I loved to do.

3.   He has spent the three weeks since struggling with his feelings that morning.

4.   We lost and yet the guys have a real positive feeling this morning.

n. + feeling >>共 182
gut 22.93%
way 4.42%
guilt 3.59%
time 3.04%
day 1.93%
theater 1.38%
night 1.10%
trouble 1.10%
anti-taliban 1.10%
morning 1.10%
morning + n. >>共 1413
session 7.11%
hour 4.79%
meeting 2.58%
show 2.08%
sun 2.02%
practice 1.99%
fog 1.91%
paper 1.68%
cloud 1.38%
newspaper 1.21%
feeling 0.05%
每页显示:    共 4