1.   In general, therefore, it constrains the increasing tendency for usefulness to mean more and more information.

2.   Varieties and eventually species would be formed despite any tendency for interbreeding with the main body of the population in the centre.

3.   Researchers believe that the tendency for diabetes is present at birth.

4.   As there was a tendency for it to rain outside this gift idea was doubly welcome!

5.   Any tendency for driving fast to feel dangerous was hence obscured by the more substantial effect of business.

6.   This causes a build up of pressure in the solution compartment until, at equilibrium, the pressure exactly counteracts the tendency for further solvent flow.

7.   While there may well be an overall tendency for people to support kin, there are considerable class differences in the extent of this mutalism.

8.   There has in fact been a recent tendency for this type of mobility to decrease in most of the advanced industrial societies.

9.   There is thus little or no tendency for molecules of one component to hinder or help the escape into the vapour phase of molecules of the other component.

n. + for >>共 1471
spokesman 1.89%
support 1.76%
time 1.36%
plan 1.28%
money 0.91%
call 0.90%
way 0.79%
price 0.67%
candidate 0.66%
lawyer 0.65%
tendency 0%
tendency + p. >>共 30
of 34.75%
toward 17.99%
to 14.42%
in 10.99%
for 6.46%
among 4.95%
by 3.16%
within 1.10%
on 0.69%
at 0.55%
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