1.   Another danger is the tendency by parents to idealize a dead or victimized child or overprotect a survivor.

2.   During times of crisis, there is a tendency by our elected officials to treat the American people as simpletons, incapable of understanding or supporting a complex mission.

3.   Extensive filmwork and obvious tendencies by some of the Giants interior linemen gave away the defense.

4.   For starters, Bauer thinks Bush bears anti-moderate tendencies by not pledging to pick an anti-abortion vice president.

5.   In our short life as a free nation we have seen a tendency by some of the donor countries to insist, for instance, on providing food aid.

6.   Just as dangerous may be a tendency by agencies to provide less care than a patient needs.

7.   Most complicated of all, and also important for the Fed, is the tendency by banks to rely less on the overnight borrowing the Fed controls.

8.   Our girls are extremely competitive with each other, so I try to discourage these tendencies by stressing their individuality.

9.   Still another may be a tendency by doctors to be more aggressive in treating whites, some of whom may have received catheterization unnecessarily.

10.   There is a tendency by Coach John Calipari to move his players around like checkers, to tinker when things go wrong.

n. + by >>共 1516
effort 1.42%
attack 1.37%
attempt 1.07%
decision 1.01%
visit 0.94%
report 0.85%
year 0.79%
move 0.69%
investigation 0.63%
action 0.59%
tendency 0.01%
tendency + p. >>共 30
of 34.75%
toward 17.99%
to 14.42%
in 10.99%
for 6.46%
among 4.95%
by 3.16%
within 1.10%
on 0.69%
at 0.55%
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