1.   Also, it is not possible to do detailed searches of the untested recipes in my temporary folders like it is with recipes in commercial programs.

2.   However, not all programs clean up after themselves like they should, leaving digital detritus in the temporary folder.

3.   Is it a good idea to dump the contents of the Windows temporary folder?

4.   The temporary folder is a kind of staging area where programs place temporary files.

5.   When you run the install routine, the components are placed into this temporary folder before they are moved or copied into their permanent folder.

a. + folder >>共 104
national 18.03%
international 14.10%
manila 7.21%
new 6.23%
thick 2.30%
special 2.30%
plastic 1.97%
blue 1.64%
temporary 1.64%
separate 1.64%
temporary + n. >>共 1412
order 4.58%
worker 3.68%
shelter 2.66%
measure 2.58%
home 1.55%
housing 1.47%
job 1.45%
injunction 1.37%
halt 1.24%
basis 1.18%
folder 0.06%
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