1.   As the games approach a separate folder will be created for Olympics pictures only.

2.   Graphics are converted to JPEG files and placed in a separate folder.

3.   It allows users to control downloads and keep all e-mail messages in one location but in separate folders.

4.   Keep separate folders for investment statements, insurance paperwork, mortgage statements, credit card bills, warranties and the like.

5.   Some of that is unavoidable, but most of it could have been stored in separate folders.

a. + folder >>共 104
national 18.03%
international 14.10%
manila 7.21%
new 6.23%
thick 2.30%
special 2.30%
plastic 1.97%
blue 1.64%
temporary 1.64%
separate 1.64%
separate + n. >>共 1252
incident 4.65%
meeting 2.72%
state 1.93%
company 1.87%
report 1.81%
attack 1.55%
case 1.51%
talk 1.46%
way 1.32%
entity 1.20%
folder 0.03%
每页显示:    共 5