1.   A commonly proposed and reasonably workable alternative to constant per unit prices is the two-part tariff structure.

2.   Each of these situations requires a different tariff structure.

3.   Beijing would protect weak sectors by adjusting the tariff structure and perfecting laws.

4.   It does not include accepting the common external tariff structure of the Mercosur customs union.

5.   Pakistan wants a bilateral agreement with India that would effectively provide an equal tariff structure.

6.   A devaluation of the real will also further delay the removal of existing internal tariff structures between Mercosur countries.

7.   Another source said the proposed freight rate increase will be within the Iata tariffs structure.

8.   Coopers and Lybrand has drawn up a new tariff structure for all telecom services and the interconnection charges to be levied on each telecom provider.

9.   Government is adopting a four-tiered tariff structure which prescribes a progression of rates to cover raw materials, intermediate, and finished products.

10.   He said an important issue was the tariff structure as the Government wanted to ensure an acceptable and affordable rate.

n. + structure >>共 662
command 7.32%
management 5.48%
tax 3.30%
cost 2.91%
ownership 2.43%
fee 2.36%
salary 2.12%
government 1.73%
steel 1.66%
capital 1.46%
tariff 1.18%
tariff + n. >>共 134
reduction 11.69%
cut 11.69%
rate 9.22%
barrier 7.53%
structure 4.42%
increase 3.90%
protection 2.60%
treatment 2.21%
policy 1.82%
level 1.82%
每页显示:    共 34