1.   The capital structure is simple, with only ordinary shares in issue.

2.   Therefore, the overall cost of capital will fall and the value of the firm will be maximized at some optimum capital structure.

3.   However, once taxation and bankruptcy effects are introduced the capital structure will have an effect on the overall value of the firm.

4.   Changes in firm valuation were found to be consistent with the tax-based models of capital structure.

5.   This is to enable the banks, institutions and management to tailor the share and loan capital structure, and bank borrowings, to the circumstances of the transaction.

6.   This has created a capital structure more suitable for a listed company.

7.   And Ms. Esch, who walks with purpose in her Prada shoes and chats as knowledgeably about capital structure as about design, is tactical rather than tacky.

8.   Buffett and Berkshire attorneys have for many months been threatening to establish a capital structure that would derail the Affordable Access trust, said Katz.

9.   Charterhouse will give United Road advice on mergers, acquisitions, financing and capital structure, as well as provide contacts to bankers.

10.   Ebner also pressed charges against Studer and other UBS officials, alleging they misused funds to win backing for the new single-bearer-share capital structure.

n. + structure >>共 662
command 7.32%
management 5.48%
tax 3.30%
cost 2.91%
ownership 2.43%
fee 2.36%
salary 2.12%
government 1.73%
steel 1.66%
capital 1.46%
capital + n. >>共 533
market 12.98%
investment 8.34%
city 7.66%
flow 4.51%
murder 4.46%
case 3.48%
inflow 2.73%
increase 2.36%
charge 1.99%
control 1.94%
structure 0.71%
每页显示:    共 42