1.   As encouraging the sustainable use of coral reefs for the fishkeeping hobby.

2.   Land-use has to be balanced to achieve sustainable use.

3.   We strongly advocate sustainable use of coastal resources, which includes the exploitation of minerals.

4.   We support the sustainable use of natural resources.

5.   They aim to introduce scientists to potential customers in forest states, and to help develop ways of making sustainable economic use of forest reserves.

6.   Such an interpretation of the concept of sustainable use of wildlife has been so far resisted by most CITES members.

7.   That, in turn, will encourage the sustainable use of native plants and other natural resources.

8.   The Compact group is selling limited clear-cutting as a job-saver that is compatible with sustainable mixed use of the forest.

9.   Payne said the closeness of the vote showed that delegates were moving closer to accepting the sustainable use of wildlife.

10.   A key requirement of environmental management is the sustainable use of resources.

a. + use >>共 678
widespread 3.34%
good 2.98%
personal 2.43%
commercial 2.17%
possible 2.13%
increased 1.82%
new 1.81%
military 1.79%
better 1.59%
medical 1.52%
sustainable 0.18%
sustainable + n. >>共 166
development 28.01%
growth 13.09%
pace 3.56%
agriculture 3.44%
forest 3.21%
level 2.76%
use 2.41%
rate 2.07%
recovery 1.84%
resource 1.61%
每页显示:    共 21