sustainable development 16.06   Sustainable development.
  sustainable growth 7.50   There is sustainable growth to come, he said.
  sustainable pace 2.04   They say the higher rates have slowed growth to a more sustainable pace.
  sustainable agriculture 1.97   Sustainable agriculture is the watchword.
  sustainable forest 1.84   He tries to buy wood which has a certificate to say it comes from sustainable forests.
  sustainable level 1.58   Nor does performance shift to a new more sustainable level.
  sustainable use 1.38   We believe in conservation and sustainable use.
  sustainable rate 1.18   He also said restrained federal spending will keep growth at a sustainable rate.
  sustainable recovery 1.05   To be sure, many analysts are skeptical that a sustainable recovery is under way.
  sustainable resource 0.92   Silvofishery can also become a sustainable resource of income for local people.
  sustainable way 0.86   Charity will create jobs and also dispose off the profits in a sustainable way.
  sustainable manner 0.66   The wood in the house is either harvested in a sustainable manner or recycled.
  sustainable plan 0.66   But so far, IMF and U.S. Treasury officials have said there can be no aid without a sustainable economic plan.
  sustainable business 0.53   But where is the sustainable business model?
  sustainable management 0.53   The UN chief said the sustainable management of natural resources and ecosystems was becoming ever more critical.
  sustainable tourism 0.53   The Ras Mohammed National Park is a tribute to sustainable tourism.
  sustainable advantage 0.46   No such sustainable advantage will adhere to the dot-cverse of companies.
  sustainable source 0.46   Try to buy wood that you know has come from a sustainable source.
  sustainable basis 0.39   Auckland University Maori studies lecturer Margaret Mutu claims the birds are being taken on a sustainable basis.
  sustainable economy 0.39   But Annan said this was a difficult task, particularly in building a sustainable economy.
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