1.   It is respectfully submitted that the latter approach is supported by the wording of the provision.

2.   This approach was supported by the regional office of the Department of the environment.

3.   But erm in terms of policy, erm Cleveland County Council supports the approach that North Yorkshire and the district councils in the area are taking.

4.   Although he is introducing his measure without co-sponsors, Lugar said he is counting on lawmakers from urban and suburban areas to support his approach.

5.   Americans will surely support this approach, despite the fact that it challenges local control.

6.   Airline officials support this approach.

7.   Breaux and most Republicans on the commission support this approach, which would remodel Medicare in the image of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program.

8.   But several Republicans, many of them conservatives, refused to support that approach, which they said would short-circuit a credible trial with witnesses.

9.   But President Clinton did meet with chief executive officers from big companies who support his approach to health care legislation.

10.   Clinton had further alienated the unions, and in a recent interview, he admitted that he was never able to persuade most Democrats to support his approach.

v. + approach >>共 513
take 9.45%
change 5.19%
use 4.57%
make 3.64%
try 3.41%
adopt 2.79%
reject 2.63%
have 1.59%
defend 1.51%
support 1.43%
support + n. >>共 944
effort 2.29%
idea 2.26%
terrorism 1.92%
bill 1.86%
family 1.67%
claim 1.63%
right 1.56%
rebel 1.50%
plan 1.38%
dollar 1.35%
approach 0.16%
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