support effort 34.76   Chirac said he would support that effort.
  support idea 34.23   Can you support this idea?
  support terrorism 29.16   Foundation officials deny supporting terrorism.
  support bill 28.24   Bush supports the bill.
  support family 25.28   Can they support a family?
  support claim 24.75   Her act supports that claim.
  support right 23.63   All support abortion rights.
  support rebel 22.71   Chavez denies he supports Colombian rebels.
  support plan 21.00   Others supported the plan.
  support dollar 20.41   That supported the dollar against the yen.
  support measure 20.14   He supports the measure.
  support legislation 19.88   Gov. George W. Bush supports the legislation.
  support government 16.33   And he supports the government.
  support proposal 16.06   Democrats generally support this proposal.
  support view 15.54   Polls support this view.
  support move 14.81   Weld supported the move.
  support program 13.76   Some business groups supported the program.
  support decision 13.17   Levin supported the decision.
  support candidate 12.64   Which presidential candidate do you support?
  support cause 11.98   Give gifts that support worthy causes.
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