1.   Brunel planned and supervised the work himself.

2.   Each year Asbury tried to reach every state in order to goad his men and to supervise their work.

3.   They train, schedule, and supervise the work of housekeepers, inspect rooms, and order cleaning supplies.

4.   The Department of Celtic has a strong tradition of postgraduate research and supervises postgraduate work in all the main branches of Celtic Studies.

5.   These assessments were performed by a senior dietitian in each centre whose work was supervised by a central coordinating dietitian.

6.   The Emperor Hadrian, who was a great lover of the arts and of Greek architecture in particular, supervised the work himself.

7.   They took over a Cheltenham firm which supervised the work.

8.   Meanwhile the nuns will live close by, enabling them to supervise building work the money for which has come from donations worldwide.

9.   Asked why a used-car salesman would do construction work, Abu Marzook said Salah was to supervise the work.

10.   Because Massey was a junior associate at the firm, Mrs. Clinton, a full partner, supervised his work.

v. + work >>共 737
do 16.57%
find 5.32%
begin 4.98%
complete 3.35%
start 3.00%
continue 2.29%
finish 2.24%
resume 2.02%
have 1.96%
make 1.71%
supervise 0.22%
supervise + n. >>共 553
election 5.34%
operation 3.35%
work 2.48%
construction 2.36%
project 1.74%
activity 1.74%
poll 1.55%
investigation 1.49%
distribution 1.43%
child 1.24%
每页显示:    共 40