1.   UN monitors will remain in the country to supervise the elections.

2.   As part of the government oversight process, a court-appointed officer was installed to supervise the election.

3.   Brahimi seemed to indicate that foreign troops might be needed to supervise elections, but U.S. officials have said that most American forces would leave Haiti by Christmas.

4.   All Indian elections are supervised by the three-member Election Commission headed by T. N. Seshan.

5.   Even officials of the international organization supervising the election say they are more cautious than optimistic.

6.   He, along with the opposition, shepherded through pivotal reforms that set up an independent institute to supervise elections.

7.   Hoffa is asking Barbara Zach Quindel, a Milwaukee lawyer who supervised the election, to investigate the contributions and order a new election.

8.   Ms. Coleman said Elia DeBenedictis of the Italian Civic Association, who supervises school board elections as clerk of the board, should be held accountable for the improprieties.

9.   No date has been set, but Arafat said former U.S. President Jimmy Carter would help supervise the elections.

10.   OSCE is supervising the elections.

v. + election >>共 365
hold 18.63%
win 11.77%
call 7.74%
lose 3.11%
boycott 3.00%
contest 2.24%
schedule 1.86%
follow 1.78%
postpone 1.74%
monitor 1.65%
supervise 0.69%
supervise + n. >>共 553
election 5.34%
operation 3.35%
work 2.48%
construction 2.36%
project 1.74%
activity 1.74%
poll 1.55%
investigation 1.49%
distribution 1.43%
child 1.24%
每页显示:    共 85