1.   Kelly wanted the trees to give some summer shade for her friends.

2.   As the early blooming bulbs go dormant, overhanging trees leaf out, providing the summer shade required by all these plants.

3.   All that is needed is an area in winter sun and summer shade, well-drained soil, a mixture of early blooming bulbs, and some cyclamens and hellebores.

4.   But with careful consideration, trees can be placed to provide summer shade that lowers cooling or to block the cold winter wind.

5.   If you are going to wear trendy flip-flops, make certain your toenails are buffed and polished with a pretty summer shade.

6.   Keep your plant outdoors in the shade this summer.

7.   The favorite summer shades were green and blue made to sparkle like the sun dancing off the water.

8.   The favorite summer shade is stark white both for day and night.

n. + shade >>共 100
lamp 9.88%
eye 5.81%
summer 4.65%
wrap-around 4.07%
paper 3.49%
lipstick 2.91%
roller 2.33%
sun 2.33%
candle 1.74%
trademark 1.74%
summer + n. >>共 1039
season 3.84%
vacation 3.69%
camp 3.58%
month 3.30%
day 2.17%
heat 1.95%
capital 1.75%
job 1.63%
recess 1.55%
home 1.53%
shade 0.06%
每页显示:    共 8