1.   For nighttime privacy, use a roller shade or vertical blinds.

2.   If window-coverings are necessary, consider sheers, or one of the sheer new roller shades.

3.   Smith and Noble, a manufacturer of window shades, sells a roller shade that can be mounted inside the doorjamb.

4.   Trouble is, I cannot find roller shades without the shades, or even the hardware for such rollers so I could build my own.

n. + shade >>共 100
lamp 9.88%
eye 5.81%
summer 4.65%
wrap-around 4.07%
paper 3.49%
lipstick 2.91%
roller 2.33%
sun 2.33%
candle 1.74%
trademark 1.74%
roller + n. >>共 49
rink 15.38%
blade 11.11%
derby 10.26%
blading 5.98%
ball 5.98%
blader 3.42%
shade 3.42%
shutter 3.42%
cover 2.56%
ski 2.56%
每页显示:    共 4