1.   Besides APL, the suit names the U.S. Maritime Administration and the U.S. Department of Transportation as defendants.

2.   Both suits name Levine as well as Brettler as defendants.

3.   In addition to the Walshes and Felderhof, that suit also names as defendants Treasurer John Thorpe and Vice-President Stephen McAnulty.

4.   In addition to Hasbro, the suit named Mattel Inc. and Little Tikes Co. as defendants.

5.   In addition to Penner, the suit names Michael A. Berman, Brian Pilcher, Cathy Clardy Patterson, Vincent C. Moore, Adekunle Shoyombo and Mark Finerman.

6.   In addition to Montgomery, the suit names directors Joseph Fischer, Allan Raphael and Gary Gray.

7.   In addition to Time Warner and Levin, the suit names Ms. Tucker and Michael J. Fuchs, chairman of the Warner Music Group, as defendants.

8.   Its suit names Salomon Brothers Inc., Salomon Brothers International Ltd. and Salomon Brothers Holdings Co.

9.   The federal suit names the same five counties as defendants, and adds Collier and Walton counties.

10.   The Florida suit also names the cigarette divisions of Loews and B.A.T Industries.

n. + name >>共 951
company 3.76%
guy 2.65%
man 2.62%
police 2.62%
suit 2.56%
president 2.50%
government 2.47%
report 2.20%
woman 2.05%
lawsuit 1.90%
suit + v. >>共 364
be 19.18%
say 8.15%
seek 7.11%
allege 6.98%
claim 3.56%
have 3.39%
contend 3.33%
accuse 3.03%
pend 2.80%
name 2.77%
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