suit be 38.71   His suit was soaking wet.
  suit say 16.46   In June, the suit says, he fired her.
  suit seek 14.35   The suit seeks class-action status.
  suit allege 14.09   Stock price was the key, the suit alleges.
  suit claim 7.18   The suit claims the USDA compels speech.
  suit have 6.85   So the suit has the edge.
  suit contend 6.71   That, the suit contends, constitutes a monopoly.
  suit accuse 6.12   The suits accused New York Life of fraud.
  suit pend 5.66   The suit is pending.
  suit name 5.60   The suit names three plaintiffs.
  suit charge 5.40   The suit charged collusion and price-fixing.
  suit ask 3.69   The suit asks for a jury trial.
  suit come 2.96   Does the suit come in olive?
  suit go 2.90   The suit has not gone to trial.
  suit proceed 1.91   Their civil suit proceeds to trial in mid-May.
  suit make 1.84   The safari suit makes a comeback.
  suit involve 1.71   Their suit did not involve the Yellowstone wolves.
  suit look 1.51   Suits have never looked better.
  suit file 1.45   The suit filed in California names as defendants Safeway and several wholesalers.
  suit follow 1.45   Shareholder suits have followed.
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