1.   And their suicide rate is two to three times higher than ours in every age category.

2.   He calculated these as suicide rates in relation to the size of the population in which they occurred.

3.   In ten years, homicide rates tripled and suicide rates quadrupled.

4.   She had panicky thoughts about the Clifton suspension bridge and its alarming suicide rate, but Tavett did not mention Clifton.

5.   The data shows that suicide rates among young men have increased over the last twenty years.

6.   The suicide rate among former soldiers is very high.

7.   Suicide rates have remained essentially unchanged.

8.   ...a disproportionately high suicide rate among young prisoners.

9.   A new scheme to cut the suicide rate among farm workers has been launched by the Samaritans.

10.   Mr Rees, a former member of the WRNS, told the meeting that suicide rates were very high among transsexuals.

n. + rate >>共 614
growth 6.29%
unemployment 6.02%
inflation 5.98%
tax 5.40%
crime 5.32%
mortality 2.05%
fund 1.89%
market 1.74%
success 1.51%
saving 1.39%
suicide 0.66%
suicide + n. >>共 246
bomber 29.36%
bombing 24.15%
attack 17.69%
note 4.78%
attempt 4.73%
mission 1.95%
rate 1.60%
bomb 0.97%
attacker 0.89%
hijacking 0.69%
每页显示:    共 103