1.   Police checkpoints proved useless at stopping the suicide bombers.

2.   The main aim of suicide bombers is to inspire terror in the population.

3.   The bomb, it said, had been planted by a suicide bomber, named as Abu Yasser.

4.   Also, a suicide bomber tried to detonate his explosives in a supermarket in the Jewish settlement of Efrat.

5.   Also, the failed suicide bombers were apparently Israeli Arabs, who have not carried out attacks before.

6.   Although no defense against a suicide bomber, bag matching can help thwart a proven weapon of terror.

7.   Among those they could not rule out was a suicide bomber, a revenge attack or even an insurance scheme.

8.   An American resident I met in Jerusalem had warned me that people traveling alone on El Al are subject to extra scrutiny because they could be suicide bombers.

9.   And adopts the resolution the day after a suicide bomber renders it irrelevant by killing more than a score in a Jerusalem hotel.

10.   And a female suicide bomber blew herself up in a supermarket.

n. + bomber >>共 71
suicide 86.54%
fighter 2.17%
woman 1.27%
stealth 1.27%
rebel 1.27%
car 0.68%
dive 0.63%
water 0.50%
shoe 0.50%
bus 0.32%
suicide + n. >>共 246
bomber 29.36%
bombing 24.15%
attack 17.69%
note 4.78%
attempt 4.73%
mission 1.95%
rate 1.60%
bomb 0.97%
attacker 0.89%
hijacking 0.69%
每页显示:    共 1899