1.   Carefully clean the stucco surface to remove all dirt, grease and loose stucco.

2.   Do not use the power washer on stucco surfaces.

3.   Often the stucco surfaces are made of thin layers of metal lath and cement that may deteriorate in a short time.

4.   Professional contractors do the electrical and plumbing work, shingle the roofs, pour concrete, nail up the dry wall and spray the stucco surface on the exterior.

5.   The foam is glued right to the shell of the house, then the artificial stucco surface is sprayed or troweled on.

n. + surface >>共 355
work 14.25%
ice 6.26%
road 4.12%
track 2.88%
ocean 2.64%
water 2.39%
clay 2.39%
tooth 1.89%
court 1.65%
cell 1.57%
stucco 0.41%
stucco + n. >>共 50
house 24.21%
building 13.68%
wall 11.05%
home 8.42%
villa 3.68%
facade 3.68%
surface 2.63%
exterior 2.63%
palace 1.58%
look 1.58%
每页显示:    共 5