1.   Each side of the tooth surface may be home to a different strain of bacteria.

2.   For the inner tooth surfaces, gently brush using back, forth and rolling motion.

3.   In the early days of sealants, many dentists feared that coating tooth surfaces would lead to rampant dental disease if those teeth already had the beginnings of decay.

4.   It cleans and removes plaque on hard-to-reach tooth surfaces and comes with two interdental brush refills.

5.   Sealants work by bonding resin to the tooth surface, which keeps cavity-forming bacteria out.

6.   Sealants work by filling in the cracks, preventing accumulations of food and keeping the bacteria that cause decay from getting to the enamel on the tooth surface.

7.   They clean tooth surfaces as you chew.

8.   Pyrophosphate is a chemical now used in some toothpastes to control tartar and the buildup of hard plaque on tooth surfaces.

9.   Rather, you should either use a circulatory movement covering the teeth surface and marginal gums when brushing, or a horizontal movement.

10.   But be careful not to exert too much pressure on the tooth surface.

n. + surface >>共 355
work 14.25%
ice 6.26%
road 4.12%
track 2.88%
ocean 2.64%
water 2.39%
clay 2.39%
tooth 1.89%
court 1.65%
cell 1.57%
tooth + n. >>共 99
decay 19.71%
surface 8.39%
mark 6.57%
enamel 4.74%
brush 4.01%
loss 2.92%
extraction 2.19%
paste 2.19%
bud 1.46%
injury 1.46%
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