1.   Frequent visits, long telephone calls and letters, all keep the links strong.

2.   He maintained strong links with the world of the deaf.

3.   It has refused to explain itself to the mainstream media, or to forge strong links with anyone outside the protest community.

4.   The Partnership has strong links with other organisations and the teacher placement organiser is able to take advantage of this.

5.   The company has strong links with big investors.

6.   ...the importance of strong links between industry and academia.

7.   It was set up at the time of the publication of the Beveridge report by a group of young MPs who had strong links with the forces.

8.   Strong links with industry are essential for the success of the programme.

9.   There are strong collaborative links with groups outside the Institute and, in several cases, these involve joint research grants or studentships.

a. + link >>共 922
direct 6.99%
possible 6.12%
close 5.86%
weak 2.99%
economic 2.95%
alleged 2.83%
strong 2.80%
closer 2.15%
shipping 1.84%
only 1.58%
strong + n. >>共 840
wind 3.45%
support 2.77%
demand 2.65%
growth 2.23%
dollar 2.21%
opposition 1.79%
economy 1.75%
performance 1.51%
earnings 1.50%
sale 1.43%
link 0.39%
每页显示:    共 160