direct link 26.46   They offer a direct link with the past.
  possible link 23.17   Possible links to Party of God and Iran are studied.
  close link 22.19   Kiev hopes to cement close links with Bonn.
  weak link 11.32   Smith remains the weak link.
  economic link 11.19   --Economic links.
  alleged link 10.73   But many observers fear his alleged links to the army.
  strong link 10.60   No strong link was found.
  closer link 8.16   His camp wants closer links with Russia.
  shipping link 6.98   We could expand air and shipping links.
  only link 5.99   She was my only link with the past.
  diplomatic link 5.27   The two sides have no formal diplomatic links.
  suspected link 5.27   However, the suspected link with some other birth defects is less clear.
  video link 5.20   Video links reunite friends and lovers.
  weakest link 4.54   I was the weakest link.
  new link 4.34   But the new link will be limited.
  vital link 4.08   It is a vital link in the auto supply chain.
  terrorist link 4.02   Terrorist links were ruled out.
  political link 3.75   Interpal denied any political links.
  military link 3.36   The sport retains its military links.
  important link 3.23   Another important link in the Steel Curtain.
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