1.   But Clinton did take a positive step by saying that he would not stick taxpayers with the entire rent for his expensive new office in New York.

2.   Democrats were quick to attack the budget, arguing that it depended on borrowed money to increase spending, sticking future taxpayers with the bill.

3.   Federal taxpayers are stuck with the bill.

4.   He questioned why taxpayers got stuck with such a big bill when the woman hit one of the officers first.

5.   If the state lost, taxpayers would be stuck paying the private attorneys hired by Woods to represent the state.

6.   Of course, the taxpayer will get stuck with the legal bill, the same way that he may have to absorb hidden costs of the Pataki veto.

7.   But opposition lawmakers appear reluctant to sign onto a bailout package which sets a precedent for sticking taxpayers with the bill.

8.   But opposition parties have been wary of sticking taxpayers with the bill for bailouts of badly-managed lenders.

9.   It says taxpayers will be stuck with the bill if Hydro winds up losing money on the Raiwind venture.

v. + taxpayer >>共 149
cost 10.70%
help 5.35%
protect 4.81%
save 2.94%
leave 2.67%
treat 2.67%
stick 2.41%
reimburse 1.87%
hurt 1.87%
defraud 1.34%
stick + n. >>共 660
head 8.43%
finger 3.70%
hand 2.79%
nose 2.49%
foot 1.70%
needle 1.70%
car 1.33%
pin 1.33%
fork 1.09%
people 1.09%
taxpayer 0.55%
每页显示:    共 9