cost taxpayer 2.63   Will it cost the taxpayer?
  help taxpayer 1.32   This tax relief helps all taxpayers.
  protect taxpayer 1.18   Proponents said the plan would protect taxpayers from wanton tax hikes.
  save taxpayer 0.72   He saved the taxpayers a billion dollars while leaving Wall Street baffled.
  leave taxpayer 0.66   That leaves taxpayers.
  treat taxpayer 0.66   Seventy-five percent believe the IRS treats taxpayers as guilty until proven innocent.
  stick taxpayer 0.59   Federal taxpayers are stuck with the bill.
  hurt taxpayer 0.46   The effect of these policies goes beyond hurting taxpayers and helping farmers.
  reimburse taxpayer 0.46   The campaign must reimburse taxpayers for political passengers on board the aircraft.
  affect taxpayer 0.33   The tax affects taxpayers in three ways.
  benefit taxpayer 0.33   And this year Congress did some tinkering itself, changing a few things in the tax law that could benefit many taxpayers.
  bill taxpayer 0.33   He billed taxpayers for lodging and meals on his way there and back.
  contact taxpayer 0.33   The IRS says its employees generally try to contact taxpayers before visiting them.
  defraud taxpayer 0.33   ...allegations that he defrauded taxpayers of thousands of dollars.
  notify taxpayer 0.33   It routinely notifies taxpayers soon after it detects any supposed delinquencies.
  prevent taxpayer 0.33   The tax wasmeant to prevent wealthy taxpayers who are entitled to many deductions from not paying any tax at all.
  put taxpayer 0.33   The system puts taxpayers largely in control of what documents they turn over.
  allow taxpayer 0.26   This new amendment would allow taxpayer funding of churches and religious organizations.
  compensate taxpayer 0.26   The stock options were required so that taxpayers would be compensated for the risk involved with guaranteeing the loans.
  get taxpayer 0.26   The trick is in getting taxpayers to notice.
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