1.   The second stair creaks when you step on it.

2.   The stairs creaked behind us and we froze in terror.

3.   The stairs creaked as she went up them, and the landing creaked.

4.   Unless, of course, the stairs creak and squeak, which is the only problem you are likely to run into.

n. + creak >>共 72
floor 6.61%
door 5.79%
floorboard 4.96%
body 4.13%
house 4.13%
system 4.13%
board 3.31%
bone 3.31%
stair 3.31%
building 2.48%
stair + v. >>共 61
be 28.97%
lead 9.66%
collapse 5.52%
creak 2.76%
have 2.76%
become 2.07%
give 2.07%
help 2.07%
seem 2.07%
take 2.07%
每页显示:    共 4