1.   Hence stability theory is needed from the outset.

2.   This is another of the successes of linear stability theory.

3.   All such patterns occur with equal probability on linear stability theory.

4.   Linear stability theory applied to a configuration of the Bnard sort with appropriate concentration and temperature differences across the layer indicates motions of a salt finger type.

5.   The counterpart for the present case of the linear stability theory mentioned above predicts overstability.

n. + theory >>共 572
chaos 4.17%
string 2.72%
music 2.64%
defense 2.64%
missile 2.38%
management 2.30%
misappropriation 1.36%
act 1.36%
speech 1.36%
market 1.36%
stability 0.43%
stability + n. >>共 66
pact 41.49%
system 9.91%
control 7.43%
council 2.79%
program 2.17%
package 1.55%
issue 1.55%
theory 1.55%
test 1.55%
rule 1.55%
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