1.   An extra tablespoon sprinkled over the breakfast cereal can help control irritable bowel syndrome, piles, appendicitis and bowel cancer.

2.   Fresh mint is also good finely chopped and sprinkled over buttery new potatoes or peas.

3.   Gently remove sprigs of rosemary from the stalk and sprinkle over chicken with chopped parsley.

4.   Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the top of the pasta.

5.   Grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the vegetables.

6.   In the home kitchen, a salt mixture containing the enzymes can be sprinkled over the surface of a cut.

7.   Serve the salmon on the lentils and sprinkle over the fresh chervil or dill and pink peppercorns.

8.   She took a pinch of snuff in her hand and sprinkled it over the note murmuring something under her breath.

9.   Spoon into the prepared baking dish, season with the nutmeg and then sprinkle over the Parmesan.

10.   Sprinkle over the sugar and spices, then pour over the syrup.

v. + over >>共 975
take 6.05%
hand 4.63%
divide 2.08%
fight 1.81%
look 1.71%
develop 1.09%
disagree 0.91%
win 0.88%
cook 0.87%
resign 0.80%
sprinkle 0.24%
sprinkle + p. >>共 32
over 26.67%
throughout 18.46%
in 16.92%
around 5.64%
through 4.62%
among 3.85%
of 3.59%
into 3.33%
across 3.08%
on_top_of 2.82%
每页显示:    共 103