1.   Sprinkle of the flour mixture over gumdrop mixture.

2.   And a holiday sprinkling of Boniol field-goal attempts.

3.   Add sprinkling of water, if needed, to prevent them sticking.

4.   Cut up the tomatoes, and add them to the pan along with their juice, cup water and a generous sprinkling of salt and pepper.

5.   Garnish platter with sprinkling of cilantro, and serve immediately.

6.   In the crowd were a handful of whites, as well as sprinkling of black women.

7.   Nor are they predominantly expatriates, though there is a good sprinkling of them, too.

8.   Place row of onion rounds at one end of the dish, sprinkle more soft crumbs over them and season lightly with sprinkling of salt.

9.   PROFANITY A sprinkling of mild expletives in both modern and Elizabethan English.

10.   PROFANITY A sprinkling of four-letter words.

v. + of >>共 1057
die 8.10%
speak 6.41%
complain 4.42%
talk 2.20%
lifting 1.82%
signing 1.78%
compose 1.33%
say 0.97%
part 0.91%
be 0.86%
sprinkle 0.02%
sprinkle + p. >>共 32
over 26.67%
throughout 18.46%
in 16.92%
around 5.64%
through 4.62%
among 3.85%
of 3.59%
into 3.33%
across 3.08%
on_top_of 2.82%
每页显示:    共 14