1.   The lawsuit charged the magazine with spreading lies about the company and its products.

2.   If the victim remains emotionally in control, the culprit will feel embarrassed enough to stop spreading lies.

3.   Rebel leader Laurent Kabila has denied that his fighters attacked refugees, saying the refugees were spreading lies.

4.   At a Press conference last week, Rajasekaran said Lim was lying when he accused the unionist of spreading lies about the country while abroad.

5.   Dadfar himself has been sentenced to seven months in jail on charges of insulting authorities and spreading lies.

6.   He said the charges against Behnoud included spreading lies and disturbing public opinion.

7.   It said that some vested quarters were spreading lies against it.

8.   Kabila has denied that his fighters attacked refugees, saying the refugees were spreading lies.

9.   NATO had threatened to go after Serbian television sites for allegedly spreading lies and propaganda about the air campaign.

10.   NATO has accused state television in Serbia of spreading lies.

a. + lie >>共 307
outright 4.35%
unplayable 3.54%
bad 3.38%
good 3.22%
spreading 2.74%
little 1.77%
blatant 1.77%
public 1.29%
preferred 1.29%
downhill 1.29%
spreading + n. >>共 336
propaganda 5.23%
rumor 4.97%
information 3.27%
consistency 3.14%
lie 2.22%
cancer 1.57%
panic 1.44%
fear 1.31%
fire 1.31%
disease 1.31%
每页显示:    共 17