1.   Beyond the membrane of their little capsule lies nothing less than the universe, which Kubrick depicted with all the beauty and grandeur he could muster.

2.   But a little lie never hurts, if it makes somebody feel good.

3.   For the proposition that little lies often indicate bigger ones, he cited the Book of Luke, earning the approval of an elderly alternate juror.

4.   In television, we are given daily doses of little lies.

5.   More often than not, he supports his untenable position by telling a little lie.

6.   The big lies told by people like Lawrence are hardly surprising to those who study the little lies told by most people.

7.   There are little lies to cloud issues and that makes it good.

8.   There were also little lies.

9.   We tell ourselves and others little lies which help us maintain the illusion that we are who we think we should be.

10.   Will God notice if I tell a little lie?

a. + lie >>共 307
outright 4.35%
unplayable 3.54%
bad 3.38%
good 3.22%
spreading 2.74%
little 1.77%
blatant 1.77%
public 1.29%
preferred 1.29%
downhill 1.29%
little + n. >>共 1258
girl 7.40%
boy 4.80%
thing 3.30%
sign 2.30%
guy 1.77%
one 1.29%
town 1.17%
while 1.17%
kid 1.11%
better 0.98%
lie 0.05%
每页显示:    共 11