1.   Serve immediately, spooning sauce over scaloppine.

2.   Spoon sauce over the chicken and then sprinkle with nuts and basil.

3.   Spoon the sauce into large uncooked pasta shells.

4.   Butter large scallop or other shells, or individual ovenproof dishes, and spoon a little sauce into each.

5.   Cover with the remaining sauce, spooning some sauce between the shells, then sprinkle with Parmesan.

6.   Dip the ribs in the sauce until completely covered on both sides, spooning the sauce over the ribs if necessary.

7.   Divide the meat among warm plates, spoon the sauce over and serve.

8.   Generously spoon warm sauce over top of the ice cream and serve immediately.

9.   Generously spoon sauce over game hens.

10.   It is a good idea to spoon some sauce onto a dish, so that flavors can blend.

v. + sauce >>共 222
pour 11.79%
make 9.42%
spoon 5.49%
dip 5.16%
add 4.26%
thicken 2.95%
serve 2.29%
use 2.13%
strain 2.13%
prepare 2.05%
spoon + n. >>共 99
sauce 23.43%
mixture 13.64%
batter 4.90%
catch 2.80%
portion 2.45%
filling 1.75%
juice 1.75%
ball 1.40%
salad 1.40%
fat 1.40%
每页显示:    共 67