1.   Drier winds behind the front will sponsor ample sunshine in the northern Plains.

2.   Farther west, drier air will sponsor sunshine from the southern Great Lakes to the northern Appalachians.

3.   High pressure will glide across Quebec while sponsoring partial sunshine with rather cool conditions in northern New England.

4.   High pressure will build across the Midwest, sponsoring ample sunshine from the middle Mississippi Valley to upper Plains.

5.   High pressure will sponsor ample sunshine from the central Gulf Coast to the northern Rockies.

6.   Sinking air currents associated with the high will sponsor bountiful sunshine.

7.   Sinking air currents produced by high pressure near the New Jersey coast will sponsor abundant sunshine, while humidities remain comfortable.

8.   The West will be dominated by high pressure which will sponsor considerable sunshine and above seasonal temperatures.

v. + sunshine >>共 71
have 18.28%
promote 14.78%
dim 8.33%
bring 7.80%
expect 6.45%
see 5.38%
mix 4.57%
enjoy 2.42%
sponsor 2.15%
limit 1.88%
sponsor + n. >>共 533
terrorism 7.66%
bill 6.86%
event 5.14%
legislation 5.07%
conference 3.29%
resolution 2.26%
talk 2.14%
program 2.14%
study 1.53%
measure 1.50%
sunshine 0.26%
每页显示:    共 8