1.   A veil of high clouds will spread across the Appalachians dimming the sunshine in New England Thursday afternoon.

2.   Clouds will dim the sunshine in the afternoon as high-level moisture arrives from the west.

3.   Dense fog will be slow to lift over the inland valleys of the Northeast as a veil of high clouds dims the sunshine.

4.   During the afternoon, however, middle and high clouds will streak eastward from the Ohio Valley, dimming the sunshine across the region.

5.   Elsewhere, sunshine will be dimmed by high clouds near the Southeast Coast, while Florida stays mainly sunny and seasonably warm.

6.   Farther north, sunshine will be dimmed by thickening clouds.

7.   Farther west, high clouds will begin to dim the sunshine during the afternoon.

8.   High clouds will dim the sunshine in parts of the Southwest as a large upper-level low-pressure system spins west of California.

9.   High pressure will keep the Northeast Coast dry, although sunshine will be dimmed by high clouds.

10.   High clouds will dim the sunshine over the interior Northeast.

v. + sunshine >>共 71
have 18.28%
promote 14.78%
dim 8.33%
bring 7.80%
expect 6.45%
see 5.38%
mix 4.57%
enjoy 2.42%
sponsor 2.15%
limit 1.88%
dim + n. >>共 88
light 19.59%
hope 13.90%
prospect 9.57%
sunshine 7.06%
allure 6.15%
chance 3.87%
outlook 3.87%
expectation 2.96%
enthusiasm 2.28%
optimism 2.05%
每页显示:    共 31