1.   And then there are writers whose spoken voices are familiar and distinctive.

2.   Lernout is developing software that transforms the spoken voice into documents.

3.   The spoken voice was more valuable to him than the written citation.

4.   While you can play and compose music with it, there are no spoken voices.

5.   Software can translate foreign languages, turn spoken voice into words on a page and understand e-mail well enough to automatically type customized replies.

6.   The eight-time All-Star player looked thin and pale and answered questions from attorneys in a soft spoken voice.

a. + voice >>共 1438
strong 1.93%
human 1.83%
new 1.72%
soft 1.63%
singing 1.45%
deep 1.43%
dissenting 1.39%
powerful 1.26%
loud 1.23%
low 1.07%
spoken 0.10%
spoken + n. >>共 104
word 28.72%
language 20.51%
dialogue 5.64%
command 4.36%
line 2.05%
voice 1.54%
text 1.54%
discourse 1.03%
message 1.03%
direction 1.03%
每页显示:    共 6