1.   In spoken discourse, there is not the visual prompt of paragraph-initial line indentation to indicate a division in the discourse structure.

2.   Some of the features we have described as Marking paratone boundaries in spoken discourse can, of course, have other functions.

3.   As a result, spoken discourse comes to be regarded as more honest and truthful.

a. + discourse >>共 206
public 16.45%
political 16.45%
civil 2.42%
academic 2.10%
american 1.94%
philosophical 1.61%
national 1.61%
intellectual 1.61%
serious 1.61%
everyday 1.61%
spoken 0.65%
spoken + n. >>共 104
word 28.72%
language 20.51%
dialogue 5.64%
command 4.36%
line 2.05%
voice 1.54%
text 1.54%
discourse 1.03%
message 1.03%
direction 1.03%
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