1.   Mail was cut up and severely censored, or fabricated to sow dissension within families.

2.   Richard admitted that he had listened to the advice of people who were deliberately trying to sow dissension between them.

3.   This move sowed dissension within the party ranks.

4.   And for Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, it is the season to sow political dissension among Jewish advocacy groups.

5.   But by shifting the focus from old-fashioned protectionism to new-fashioned concern with human rights and the environment, unions have sown dissension among the free traders.

6.   In the course of its inquiry, the agency has sown dissension among university officials quick to disclaim any kind of culpability.

7.   Or was it an Israeli plot to sow dissension among Palestinians?

8.   Will it sow dissension, or bring about a power struggle?

9.   Both groups are opposed to the Israel-Palestinian peace accord and have carried out attacks to sow dissension between Israeli and PLO leaders.

10.   Both the Islamic Jihad and Hamas are vehemently opposed to the Israel-Palestinian peace accord and have carried out atrocities to sow dissension between Israel and PLO leaders.

v. + dissension >>共 36
cause 23.75%
sow 13.75%
face 6.25%
create 5.00%
generate 2.50%
expect 2.50%
indicate 2.50%
quell 2.50%
reflect 2.50%
see 2.50%
sow + n. >>共 114
seed 35.80%
confusion 6.06%
terror 5.30%
doubt 3.98%
discord 3.98%
fear 2.84%
field 2.27%
panic 2.27%
dissension 2.08%
chaos 2.08%
每页显示:    共 11