1.   And even strongly pro-science historians admit that science tends to sow cultural discord because it is such a powerful agent of social change.

2.   But Arafat fears that the troubles in Nazareth could harm his plans to attract thousands of pilgrims to Palestinian-governed Bethlehem and could sow religious discord among Palestinians.

3.   But for a movement built on ardent beliefs, this could sow discord among people who see such calculations as a betrayal of ideals.

4.   He regained influence, at least for now, over the Kurdish provinces, and sowed some discord among his adversaries.

5.   In his speech, Farrakhan said that the U.S. government has sent spies among the Nation of Islam to sow discord.

6.   Its job was to procure defense secrets and sow discord among the Miami exiles.

7.   Who would have imagined that anyone could turn a vacillating dictator like Yasser Arafat into a hero, while also sowing discord between Israel and its greatest ally?

8.   And while Moscow may not have a veto over NATO decisions, it could use its new position at the table to sow discord among the allies.

9.   But ties deteriorated as Tibetans accused Taiwan of sowing discord in their government-in-exile.

10.   He said the United States made the accusations to sow discord into attempts to strengthen the treaty.

v. + discord >>共 47
sow 21.00%
cause 9.00%
foment 7.00%
avoid 5.00%
create 4.00%
promote 3.00%
avert 2.00%
face 2.00%
reduce 2.00%
deepen 2.00%
sow + n. >>共 114
seed 35.80%
confusion 6.06%
terror 5.30%
doubt 3.98%
discord 3.98%
fear 2.84%
field 2.27%
panic 2.27%
dissension 2.08%
chaos 2.08%
每页显示:    共 21