1.   After Marshall, Stewart went on to become a longtime Star-Telegram society columnist.

2.   Haldane had a lifelong love of society gossip, and began his career by telephoning reports of debutante parties to society columnists.

3.   Her father was a celebrity, a debonair society columnist with a car and driver.

4.   Her father, Gordon Gibson, was a Canadian politician, and her mother worked as a society gossip columnist.

5.   It was organized by HILDEGARD ANGEL, a fashion promoter and society columnist for O Globo, a daily newspaper.

6.   Kyser unpacks magazine after magazine, photo after photo, advertisements, clippings from society columnists.

7.   Newspapers could best serve their readers by sending their society columnists to the shareholders meetings and the financial and political writers to the society balls.

8.   R. Couri Hay, a society columnist for Hamptons magazine, said that all of the men and women who meet this way have something the other wants.

9.   Several years ago, he repeatedly begged the late Boston Globe society columnist John Robinson not to tell Globe readers about his much-publicized Hollywood dalliances.

10.   When he sprained his ankle this spring, the alert went out to society columnists all over the country.

n. + columnist >>共 109
newspaper 35.60%
sport 13.73%
gossip 12.37%
advice 4.37%
humor 2.26%
society 1.96%
staff 1.36%
business 1.36%
computer 1.21%
sex 1.06%
society + n. >>共 244
member 5.48%
official 3.33%
page 3.13%
columnist 2.54%
group 2.35%
photographer 2.15%
figure 2.15%
woman 2.15%
garlic 1.96%
column 1.76%
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