1.   And of course the entire adventure helps Grace shake his writing slump, so that he can get off the society page and head the best-sellers list.

2.   Asian faces are even infiltrating society pages.

3.   All over the society pages.

4.   Charity events often angle for Monday nights because it assures enough time for Sunday society pages and weekly magazine spreads.

5.   Harlan and his wife, Deborah, a former TV spokeswoman for Lipton Tea and Time magazine, are fixtures on the society pages.

6.   Indeed, White got almost as many headlines in the society pages as he did in the business press.

7.   It was a silly few paragraphs written as if for an old-fashioned society page.

8.   Kozlowski became a yacht racer and appeared regularly in both business magazines and society pages.

9.   She was also a fixture of the society pages and the Manhattan social scene.

10.   The Michelle Lea Mason-Michael Lawrence Dorman nuptials were not heralded in the society pages.

n. + page >>共 351
sport 12.55%
newspaper 7.15%
news 3.75%
business 3.75%
ad 2.79%
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society + n. >>共 244
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