1.   Conversely an admiring glance, a word of praise or an encouraging smile provide rewards for conformity to social norms.

2.   In order to understand the force of this social norm, it is necessary to look beyond social presentation.

3.   It is a social norm approach without the promise of security.

4.   Not only have contraceptive methods allowed this kind of Planning but social norms of family size have changed and increased in tolerance.

5.   The social norms can not merely exist as constraints existing outside individuals.

6.   The sociology of social norms is a recurring theme.

7.   The study of social norms did not escape.

8.   Yet, again there is the contrast between personal inclinations and social norms.

9.   Those who like Victorian family houses and furniture might secretly welcome a return to more rigid social norms.

10.   Children with conduct disorder behave in a way seen as troublesome to others and do not conform to expected social norms.

a. + norm >>共 196
international 17.53%
social 8.08%
cultural 4.98%
national 4.30%
democratic 4.12%
accepted 3.09%
historical 2.58%
legal 2.58%
european 2.41%
seasonal 1.55%
social + n. >>共 797
issue 4.47%
program 4.21%
welfare 3.22%
unrest 2.97%
problem 2.90%
life 2.21%
justice 1.99%
policy 1.93%
change 1.83%
conservative 1.47%
norm 0.27%
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