1.   And the wooing of foreign investors means that Iran must respect certain international economic norms.

2.   A more clearly formulated set of international norms may discourage at least some questionable claims and the ready resort to violence that often accompanies them.

3.   A more clearly formulated set of international norms may discourage at least some questionable claims and the resort to violence that so often accompanies them.

4.   A more clearly formulated set of international norms may discourage at least some of the more questionable claims and the violence that so often accompanies them.

5.   A peace treaty, Roh said, would bind the two sides to certain international norms.

6.   Again and again, America pushes China to comply with international norms of behavior and China resists, charging the U.S. with unwarranted interference in Chinese affairs.

7.   But conflict with international norms is inevitable.

8.   But the office of the U.N. high commissioner for refugees says this approach violates international norms of refugee law.

9.   But the six Non-Aligned members of the Council, led by Indonesia, which is still occupying East Timor in violation of international norms, resisted the move.

10.   China will continue to flout international norms as long as it believes it is immune from serious retaliation.

a. + norm >>共 196
international 17.53%
social 8.08%
cultural 4.98%
national 4.30%
democratic 4.12%
accepted 3.09%
historical 2.58%
legal 2.58%
european 2.41%
seasonal 1.55%
international + n. >>共 808
community 5.34%
aid 2.33%
force 1.85%
pressure 1.75%
observer 1.72%
official 1.67%
conference 1.62%
organization 1.59%
trade 1.59%
market 1.55%
norm 0.15%
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